
God brought this up on my phone this morning. It nails the whole thing!! So well done!!!

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It's just occuring to me now I think I showed you a sample of this while you were in my car and I was writing it, just before I published it!! You were here in LA. Thank you!!

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Amy, thank you for sharing your stories, I haven’t red others but now I will. Thank you dear dr Northrup for posting it on your telegram. I needed to read this because just in the past few days I trying to wrap my mind around the same dynamics in my own past! These types of synchronicities are truly mind blowing to me sometimes. I am a writer here as well and a title very similar to this was circulating in my mind for months, looking for sweat to express itself. We, humans are too kind and loving for our own sake, it is natural for us to understand, feel others and want to be of help- it’s not a design failure or a trauma response, quite the opposite, however there are about 20% who live parasitic existence feeding on our kindness. Our kindness, is being taken advantage of. Our big companionate hearts are being tricked into self harming to “help” those who are too lost. Your desire to be a helpful person to others is a sign of your strength and your big heart, nothing wrong with that. The root of the problem is that we all lost our ability to “see”. If you saw their energy, the energy of them consuming yours, the energy of a black parasite eating them from the inside you would not have been feeding them any longer. We teach our children that this is a beautiful world as to not disappoint them about life and set them up for rude awakening when they attempt to operate in this world with these false presumptions. We have to teach them than that there is a good and there is not good, and to react to those mindfully and accordingly. Much love and thank you again!

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My pleasure! Thanks for reading. Indeed we have to teach until there is nothing left to teach about this phenomenon, because it will render itself rare. That's the world I'm creating. Keep writing!

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Spot on, Amy - it's not a question of what they would do; it's more a matter of what they HAVE DONE:

1 - Scared the shit out of us from the get-go, using propaganda videos and pics from China and Iran showing people dying in the streets, people being trapped inside their homes with doors welded shut, mobile crematoriums, aerial photos of football fields being dug up to make room for mass graves. Drs. Birx & Fauci telling us that this is a "novel virus" that nobody can fight with their own immune systems, and everyone exposed to it will fall extremely ill, without exception. (Press conferences March 12-mid-April)

2 - Blatantly ied to us, telling us the lockdown was "only for 15 days to slow the spread." Masks don't work - until suddenly they do after all, and everyone should wear one.

3 - Deliberately kept people indoors and out of sunlight - the most abundant and free source of Vitamin D. (Have you seen any homeless people with Covid??)

4 - Silenced, shamed, and censored doctors who spoke out in the early beginning questioning all this, and pointing out basic truths, such as this banned video: https://www.bitchute.com/video/IveuWJrsH3b1/

5 - Incentivized hospitals to treat patients using ventilators while they were in the midst of cytokine storms, knowing they wouldn't work, and to inject patients with Remdesivir - a highly toxic and expensive drug with known, deadly side effects.

6 - Used the media to spike reports about therapeutic treatments such as Hydroxychloroquine, and go so far as to create a false study - in which they killed elderly veterans to make their point! They even went so far as to publish a story about a couple that drank fish tank chemicals because they "listened to Trump about hydroxychloroquine," but quickly buried that same story when a) it became known that they were staunch democrats and b) the wife had made previous attempts to poison her husband.

7 - Placed stricken Covid patients in nursing homes to infect others and cause mass deaths.

8 - Infiltrated Big Tech to censor and control conversations about Covid using "fact checkers," effectively killing free speech.

I could go on and on, but their crimes are a matter of public record by now, and they're far from done with carrying out their agenda...

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YUP. I could go on and on too, but I disagree they are far from done--just far from stopping. But they will be stopped.

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Thank you Amy for putting into words what so many of us have experienced. Now, I know why it took the Light or a stake thru the heart, to defeat the vamps. We are the L I G H T and they have no heart. From self imposed victim to Sovereign Victory ! Love & Light Jennifer

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Yes Jennifer!!! Yes!!! I love this - victory from Self imposed victimhood exactly! Thanks for reading. Keep being awesome

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It was wonderful to meet you today, Amy. What a beautiful voice! Let me know when you want to visit Godspeak. Thanks for the opportunity to meet Dr. Northrup and Jeff. Cheers, Lana Colvin

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Lana, so great to meet you too. Thank you! I will definitely visit soon maybe Feb 6th when James O Keefe is there. Pastor McCoy came up a few times with the speakers last night!

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In the beginning there was the word. Once I stopped wrestling with the details, more was revealed but no more until I was thankful for the gifts including this essay. I wouldn't even worry about anybody inside that circle, beltway, whatever it is. I tell you Amy, I just had to be as far away from the vampires and took a liking to my church family here in Texas. I know your heart and it doesn't belong to you, but to God, so only acceptance can lead to peace. You are so loved and gifted Amy.

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Thank you, Marshall!

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deletedJan 19, 2022·edited Jan 19, 2022
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Thank YOU Heidi!!! This is EXACTLY it. And honestly I realize I wrote this but you’re causing me to consider with new eyes that I really do focus on the uneducated mind controlled and not the not the controllers— because there is absolutely no hope for them. But there is hope for the innocent. Thanks for this reflection! Absolutely true. So glad it helped. If you are on Facebook or Twitter and are willing to share I’d appreciate that as I’m not on either anymore. If not, no sweat. You rock!

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deletedJan 20, 2022·edited Jan 20, 2022
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Thanks, Heidi!

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